Full-Time Degrees and Continuing Professional Development Degrees
Bachelor's Degree Program
Bachelor's degree programs

Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences offers various three-year degree programs at the bachelor’s level that provide students with job training in their discipline and also qualify them for graduate studies.

These graduates are qualified for direct entry into the workforce and are also eligible to enrol in a master’s degree program at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences or at another European institution of higher education.

Master's Degree Program
Master's degree programs

Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences offers various two-year degree programs at the master’s level that provide students with professional business qualifications and specialization in their chosen field.

These graduates are also eligible to enrol in doctoral degree programs

Diploma Degree Program
Diploma degree programs

The diploma degree programs Technical Production Management, Business Processes and Project Management, International Business Management (IMF), iTec, InterMedia and Social Work are being discontinued and are no longer accepting new students.

Continuing Education
Continuing education

MNT - Micro- and Nanotechnology
IPD - Integrated Product Development
im - International Management

Application and Admission
Applications and admissions

On the following pages you will find information about your prospective studies here at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, including entrance requirements, registration and enrolment as well as the respective entrance procedures for each degree program.


The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is a student-centred system based on course learning objectives as stated in the curriculum of each degree program.

Studying in Dornbirn
Studying in Dornbirn

Sharing borders with Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Vorarlberg, which has approx. 350,000 inhabitants, is Austria’s western-most state and is part of one of the strongest economic regions in the European Union.