Industrial companies face new types of challenges in
the global knowledge economy. This M.Sc. in Innovation
and Industrial Management prepares ambitious students
from different undergraduate degrees for future jobs.
Our educational experience combines hands-on cases and
study visits, together with insights from leading edge
research and applied techniques.
The modern economy differs from the past. In order to
stay competitiveness, industrial companies must balance
efficiency and cost reduction against the need for
innovations in new products and services. To do so,
modern industrial managers must have insight into
financial processes as well as technical and knowledge
processes related to products and production.
The M.Sc. in Innovation and Industrial Management
places the large corporations in relation to other
actors within the economy. The vertically integrated
large companies and multinational enterprises are doing
less in-house, such as less research and development and
production. Instead, the firms are relying more upon
complex knowledge network linkages, especially to
knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms, users,
universities, and public policy. Hence, many management
issues involve processes outside the firm per se.
Examples include risk management, technical uncertainty,
intrapreneurship, government regulation, and
relationships to suppliers.
Career opportunities are broad. This arises from the
specific focus of this M.Sc. on working in complex
organizational structures, often involving high levels
of risk and uncertainty as well as mundane tasks. Career
opportunities are in areas such as purchasing and
control, patent engineers, R&D managers, financial
jobs, risk capital, amongst others. Many top and middle
management positions are within reach after completion,
because companies need talented knowledge workers, whom
can cross these boundaries of engineering – natural
science – medicine with economics – business – law.
Programme Co-ordinator
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