Dr Miloš Ž Papić
Full Professor
Department of Industrial Management
Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak1
University of Kragujevac
65, Svetog Save St.
32102 Čačak
Phone: +381 032/302-788
Fax: +381 032/342-101
Office No: 129
GitHub presentation - GitHub repo - YouTube channel
BASIC BIODATA Born on June 20, 1986 in Čačak. BSc in Engineering Management on Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak in July 2009 (GPA 8,50). MSc in Technics and Informatics on Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak in September 2010 (GPA 9,43). PhD in Engineering Management on Technical Faculty Bor in January 2015 (GPA 9,90). Author of scientific and professional articles in the area of information technologies and systems, environmental management, education, entrepreneurhsip, etc. Member of the Program and Organizing committees of several national and international conferences: 1) Business Process Reengineering in Education (RPPO); 2) Information Technology, Education and Entrepreneurship (ITOP); 3) Technics, Informatics and Education (TIE). Co-author and trainer of several trainings for primary and secondary school teachers (seminars): 1) Hypermedia in teaching process; 2) Static and dynamic presentations in the light of new technologies; 3) Teaching programming in the cloud – a paradigm of the new era. Member of Educational Research Association of Serbia, Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia and Association of professors of informatics and technics. NEAQA (National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia) reviewer for study programs in the field of techical and technological sciences. Author of textbooks for primary school for Vulkan znanje publishing house. Prof. dr Miloš Papić is also a City councilor in city of Čačak, in charge for education, science and culture. Main contributions in this area were: Strategy for the development of culture of the city of Čačak (2023-2027); Agreement on the cooperation of schools and cultural institutions; launch of a Center for nurturing tradition, web-portal Čačak Culture (kulturacacak.rs). He was the coordinator of program activities for the project "Čačanska rodna" - Capital of Culture of Serbia 2023. |
International Journals:
Domestic Journals:
International Conferences:
Domestic conferences:
Monographic study (М43)
Technical solution (М85)
Papić, M., Blagojević, M., Čukljević, D., Luković, Z. Teaching programming in the cloud – a paradigm of the new era, CATALOGUE of programs for continuous professional development of teachers and professional associates for the academic years 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025, Institute for the Advancement of Education, Belgrade, 2022. https://vulkanobuka.github.io/
Papić, M., Blagojević, M., Čukljević, D., Luković, Z., Ranđelović, M. Static and dynamic presentations in the light of new technologies, CATALOGUE of programs for continuous professional development of teachers and professional associates for the school years 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025, Institute for the Advancement of Education, Belgrade, 2022.
Elementary school textbooks:
Additional teaching aids in primary school: